Dilini Dias Dahanayake, Author at Consumer Credit https://www.consumercredit.com/author/dilini-dias-dahanayake/ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 20:03:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 Benefits Of A Non Profit Credit Counseling Agency https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/benefits-of-a-non-profit-credit-counseling-agency/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 15:00:12 +0000 https://www.consumercredit.com/?p=62075 Read More »]]> Navigating the complexities of debt can feel like a daunting journey. Fortunately, non-profit credit counseling agencies, such as American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC), offer a guiding light towards financial stability. Understanding the benefits of credit counseling can empower you to take control of your finances, pay off debt, and pave the way to a brighter financial future. Here’s how working with a consumer credit counseling agency can transform your approach to debt repayment and financial management.

American Consumer Credit Counseling is here to help with you consumer credit counseling needs

As a reputable non profit credit counseling agency, American Consumer Credit Counseling is here to help you get out of debt.

How a Non Profit Credit Counseling Agency Can Help Your Financial Freedom

Personalized Debt Management Plans

One of the core offerings of non-profit credit counseling agencies is the development of personalized debt management plans (DMPs). These plans are tailored to your unique financial situation, providing a structured and feasible path to pay off debt. By evaluating your income, expenses, and existing debts, credit counselors can devise a strategy that consolidates your payments into a single, manageable monthly payment. This simplification of your financial obligations can reduce stress and make your debt repayment journey more straightforward.

Negotiated Interest Rates and Waived Fees

Non-profit credit counseling agencies like ACCC work on your behalf to negotiate with creditors. Their goal is to secure lower interest rates on your debts and waive any late or over-limit fees. This negotiation process can significantly reduce the total amount you owe, enabling you to pay off your debt faster and save money over time. These savings can then be redirected towards other financial goals or used to build a safety net for future uncertainties.

Educational Resources and Support

A standout benefit of engaging with consumer credit counseling services is the access to a wealth of educational resources. ACCC and similar organizations provide workshops, webinars, and one-on-one counseling sessions designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed for effective financial management. Topics range from budgeting and saving to understanding credit reports and improving credit scores. This educational support fosters financial literacy, empowering you to make informed decisions about your money and avoid falling back into debt.

Prevention of Debt Collection Harassment

Working with a credit counseling agency can also provide a buffer against the stress of dealing with debt collectors. Once enrolled in a debt management program, most creditors will halt collection efforts, giving you peace of mind as you focus on repaying your debt. This can alleviate the emotional and mental burden associated with debt collection, allowing you to maintain a positive outlook on your financial recovery journey.

Sustainable Financial Habits

Perhaps the most lasting benefit of credit counseling is the foundation it lays for sustainable financial habits. Through the guidance and support of counseling services, you can learn to budget effectively, save consistently, and spend wisely. These habits are essential for not only overcoming current debt but also for preventing future financial pitfalls. With the skills and knowledge gained from a non-profit credit counseling agency, you can enjoy a lifetime of financial well-being.

Bottom Line…

The journey to financial freedom is a path filled with learning, growth, and sometimes, challenges. Partnering with a non-profit credit counseling agency like American Consumer Credit Counseling offers a comprehensive approach to overcoming debt. From personalized debt management plans and negotiated repayment terms to invaluable educational resources and emotional support, the benefits of credit counseling can transform your financial landscape. If you’re struggling with debt, consider reaching out to a consumer credit counseling service. It could be the first step towards reclaiming your financial independence and building a prosperous future.

Set up Your Debt Management Program


If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

What Will You Do With Your Tax Refund? https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/what-will-you-do-with-your-tax-refund/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:00:11 +0000 https://www.consumercredit.com/?p=62074 Read More »]]> As the tax season wraps up, many of us are eagerly anticipating our tax refunds. This influx of money presents a great opportunity to improve our financial health. The experts at American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC) suggest several smart strategies for using your tax refund to make a significant impact on your finances. Whether you’re aiming to pay off debt, invest in your future, or simply improve your financial management, there’s a way to make your tax refund work for you.

Your tax refund should be put to use in an effective way so that you can reduce financial stress and manage your debt.

How are you planning on using your tx refund to your advantage? Here are some tips from ACCC!

What Will You Do With Your Tax Refund?

A big cash infusion can do many things to your finances. However, you have to make sure you spend that money wisely. The big chunk of cash infusion you receive during tax season needs to be strategically put to use in order to ease the stresses of financial management. What will you do with your tax refund? How are you planning to spend it? Or will you be saving it for the future or put it towards your emergency funds? Here are some things we at ACCC think you can do with this year’s tax refund.

1. Pay Off High-Interest Debt

One of the wisest moves you can make with your tax refund is to pay off or significantly reduce high-interest debt, especially credit card debt. High-interest rates can make it challenging to pay off the principal amount, trapping you in a cycle of debt. By using your tax refund to pay down this debt, you can save yourself from paying exorbitant interest fees in the long run. ACCC emphasizes that paying off credit card debt not only improves your credit score but also relieves financial stress. This allows you to allocate future funds towards other financial goals. Effective debt management is an essential part of financial management. Therefore understanding your debt fully and reserving a certain amount from your tax refund will  help you ease your financial burden.

2. Build an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is a financial safety net designed to cover unexpected expenses such as medical bills, home repairs, or sudden unemployment. If you don’t already have one, consider using your tax refund to start an emergency fund. American Consumer Credit Counseling advises that an ideal emergency fund should cover three to six months of living expenses. This fund will give you peace of mind and protect you from falling into debt during tough times. Having a safety net gives you financial security and peace of mind. Your financial goals must always have some priority on enhancing your emergency funds.

3. Contribute to Retirement Savings

Planning for the future is essential, and contributing to your retirement savings is a step in the right direction. If you have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a 401(k), consider using your tax refund to make an additional contribution. Investing in your retirement not only secures your future but can also provide tax benefits. ACCC recommends consulting with a financial advisor to make the most of your retirement savings strategies.

4. Invest in Personal Development

Investing in yourself can yield the highest returns. Whether it’s taking a course to enhance your skills, obtaining a certification to advance your career, or even pursuing a hobby that enriches your life, using your tax refund for personal development can open up new opportunities and increase your earning potential in the long run. American Consumer Credit Counseling highlights the importance of continuous learning and growth for financial success. Additional education and qualification can pave the way to career growth and in turn result in income growth. All of these steps you take to develop your self personally will have a positive impact on your financial growth.

5. Budget for Big-Ticket Items

If you’ve been eyeing a major purchase, such as a new appliance or a family vacation, using your tax refund can be a smart way to cover these expenses without dipping into your savings or resorting to credit. Budgeting for these big-ticket items in advance can help you make the most of your refund while avoiding financial strain later.

Bottom Line…

Your tax refund offers a unique opportunity to strengthen your financial position. Whether it’s paying off credit card debt, building an emergency fund, contributing to retirement savings, investing in personal development, or budgeting for significant expenses, the key is to use this windfall strategically. American Consumer Credit Counseling is here to guide you through making informed decisions with your tax refund, helping you achieve financial stability and peace of mind. Remember, thoughtful planning and wise financial choices today can lead to a brighter, more secure tomorrow.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

How to Choose A Credit Counseling Agency https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/how-to-choose-a-credit-counseling-agency/ Mon, 08 Apr 2024 15:00:17 +0000 https://www.consumercredit.com/?p=62072 Read More »]]> Financial stress can be a burden to anyone. But choosing the right consumer credit counseling agency to help you with your problems can turn your financial life around.

Finding the right support is crucial to successfully navigate the credit and debt management process . As a solution to help you regain control of your finances, credit counseling agencies such as American Consumer Credit Counseling offer credit counseling services and debt management programs to suit your financial situation. However, with many agencies in the market, making an informed decision is hard. Therefore understanding how to choose a credit counseling agency is crucial.

Knowing how to choose a credit counseling agency is an important step in your debt repayment journey.

American Consumer Credit Counseling is here to help with your debt management plans and credit debt repayment efforts.

How to Choose a Credit Counseling Agency

Step 1 – Understanding What is a Credit Counseling Agency?

A credit counseling agency is a professional organization dedicated to providing financial education, guidance, and support to individuals dealing with credit and debt-related challenges. Agencies such as American consumer Credit Counseling  help consumers effectively manage their debt. As a result you are able to enhance credit scores, and make well-informed decisions regarding personal finances.

Step 02 – Understanding What Services a Consumer Credit Counseling Agency Offer?

  1. Personalized financial assessment: Credit counseling agencies work closely with you to evaluate your current financial situation. This includes income, expenses, debt, and credit. This comprehensive assessment helps identify areas for improvement as well as what needs to be addressed immediately. Essentially, this is a foundation for developing a customized financial plan to tackle your debt situation.
  2. Budgeting and financial management advice: Based on financial background, then they work on creating a realistic budget, tracking expenses, and implementing effective money management techniques. They provide support and tools to help you set financial goals, prioritize expenses, and save money. Your financial goals may differ based on the financial situation you are right now. If your priority at the moment is for credit card debt management, the action plan will mostly focus on you becoming debt-free.
  3. Debt management plans (DMPs): For those struggling to pay off multiple debts, non-profit credit counseling agencies can develop a structured debt management plan. They negotiate with creditors to lower interest rates, waive fees, and create a feasible repayment schedule. Under a DMP, you can make a single monthly payment to the agency, which then disburses the funds to the respective creditors.
  4. Credit education and workshops: Non-profit credit counseling agencies emphasize the importance of financial literacy by offering educational resources, workshops, and online resources. These programs cover essential topics such as:
    • Understanding credit reports and scores
    • Managing credit card debt
    • Budgeting basics
    • Techniques to preventing identity theft and more.
  5. Specialized counseling services: Agencies like ACCC also provide specialized services for individuals facing specific financial challenges, such as Bankruptcy counseling if needed.

When seeking help from a non-profit credit counseling agency, it’s important to engage with a reputable and accredited organization. Agencies affiliated with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) or the Financial Counseling Association of America (FCAA) adhere to strict standards of professionalism, ethical conduct, and client confidentiality, ensuring reliable and trustworthy assistance.

Get Credit Counseling Help Today!

How to Choose a Credit Counseling Agency?

To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a list of key factors to consider when choosing a credit counseling agency.

Non-Profit Status

Look for a credit counseling agency that operates as a non-profit organization. These agencies are more likely to prioritize your financial well-being over their own profits. Check their credentials and ensure they are registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.


Accreditation is an important indicator of an agency’s commitment to high standards and ethical practices. The National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) and the Financial Counseling Association of America (FCAA) are two reputable organizations that accredit credit counseling agencies. Choosing an agency accredited by either of these bodies ensures that they adhere to a strict code of conduct and maintain high service standards.

Services Offered

A reliable credit counseling agency should offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Free or low-cost initial consultations
  • Budgeting and financial management workshops
  • Debt management plans (DMPs)
  • Housing and bankruptcy counseling

Make sure the agency you choose provides services that are relevant to your financial situation and goals.

Fees and Costs

It’s essential to inquire about the fees and costs associated with the credit counseling agency’s services. While most non-profit agencies offer free or low-cost initial consultations, some may charge for additional services. Get a clear understanding of all fees and expenses before committing to any credit counseling program.

Certified Counselors

An effective credit counseling agency will employ certified and trained counselors. These professionals should have completed a comprehensive training program and be certified by a recognized organization, such as the NFCC or FCAA. Additionally, ensure that the counselors have experience in addressing a variety of financial issues, including debt management, budgeting, and credit education.

Transparency and Communication

A trustworthy credit counseling agency should be transparent about their processes and maintain open lines of communication. They should provide you with a clear understanding of their recommended strategies and the potential outcomes. It’s essential to feel comfortable asking questions and discussing your financial situation with your counselor.

Client Reviews and Testimonials

Take the time to research the agency’s reputation by reading client reviews and testimonials. This will give you an insight into the experiences of others who have worked with the agency. Consider both positive and negative reviews, but keep in mind that individual experiences may vary.

Privacy and Security

Your financial information should be handled with care and discretion. Inquire about the agency’s privacy policy and measures taken to protect your personal and financial information. Ensure that they have strict security protocols in place to prevent unauthorized access to your data.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

The 50/30/20 Budgeting Rule: How to Apply It to Your Finances https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/the-50-30-20-budgeting-rule/ Thu, 04 Apr 2024 15:00:18 +0000 https://www.consumercredit.com/?p=62071 Read More »]]>

The 50/30/20 budgeting rule is a simple and effective framework for managing your finances. It helps you allocate your net income into three categories: 50% for needs, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings or paying off debt. By following the 50/30/20 budgeting rule, you can gain control over your finances and work towards becoming debt-free.

If you're paying off debt, it's easier to be more organized with budgeting tools.

If you’re paying off debt, it’s easier to be more organized with budgeting tools. the 50/30/20 budgeting rule is a great framework to follow. 

Understanding the 50/30/20 Budgeting Rule

The 50/30/20 rule is a guideline that can help individuals prioritize their spending and saving. Here’s what each category entails:

  1. Essentials (50%): This half of your income should cover what you need to live. This includes housing, groceries, utility bills, health insurance, car payments, and minimum debt payments. For instance, if you bring home $3,000 a month after taxes, $1,500 should go towards these necessary expenses. Your needs are the most basic requirements for you to live. These are essentially expenses that you cannot live without.
  2. Wants (30%): This portion is for the things you enjoy but don’t necessarily need. They may include things such as dining out, entertainment, your gym membership, or vacations. So, using the same income example, you’d allocate $900 for these types of expenses.
  3. Savings and Debt Repayment (20%): The final 20% should be put toward your financial goals. Saving for retirement or an emergency fund, and debt management strategies like paying off credit card debt is what is generally covered in this portion of your budget. That would be $600 from a $3,000 monthly income.

Money management apps like CreditU can help you organize your budget, track and allocate money to your expenses. Having a system to track your money helps you stay on track and give more focus to your overall debt management efforts.

Applying the 50/30/20 Budgeting Rule

To apply the 50/30/20 rule, follow these steps:

  1. Calculate Your After-Tax Income: This is your income after taxes and deductions. If you have a traditional job where these are automatically deducted, your net income is what you need to consider. If you’re self-employed, you’ll need to subtract your tax estimate from your gross income. Knowing what you have in hand to spend is an important part of sticking with a budget.
  2. Categorize Your Expenses: Track your spending and categorize it into ‘needs,’ ‘wants,’ and ‘savings/debt.’
  3. Evaluate and Adjust: If your expenses don’t fit the 50/30/20 framework, determine where you can make adjustments. Maybe you’re spending too much on ‘wants,’ or there’s an opportunity to refinance debts to lower minimum payments.

Examples in Practice

Let’s look at a practical example:

  • Jane Doe earns $3,000 a month after taxes.
  • She spends $1,600 on rent, utilities, and groceries, slightly over the 50% mark for essentials.
  • Her wants, including streaming services and dining out, come to $400, well under the 30% limit.
  • She has been putting $1,000 towards her savings and paying off her credit card debt, which is above the 20% recommended.

In this scenario, Jane should consider ways to reduce her essential expenses to fit within the 50% guideline, such as finding a less expensive place to live or cutting back on grocery spending. However, since she’s spending less on her wants, she has more leeway to apply to her debt management and savings. The 50/30/20 budgeting rule isn’t about strict limitations to your budget. However it is a practical guideline. The important thing is that you have this framework set up to help you stay on track. And ensure you don’t compromise on credit and debt management at the price of an extravagant vacation.

The Impact on Debt Management

By following the 50/30/20  budgeting rule, you can prevent accruing additional debt by living within your means. The rule also ensures you’re consistently putting money towards paying off existing debts. This is crucial for effective credit card debt management.

When you apply 20% of your income towards debt, you’re making significant strides in paying off debt faster. You can use strategies like the debt snowball or debt avalanche methods within this 20% allocation to target specific debts, such as high-interest credit cards or small balances that you can clear quickly.

Bottom Line…

The 50/30/20 budgeting rule is a balanced approach to managing your finances. It’s not just about tracking every penny but about setting clear and attainable financial priorities. By using this rule, you’re making a conscious decision to manage your daily finances, minimize credit card debt, and enhance your debt management strategies. Stick to it, make adjustments as necessary, and you’ll find yourself on a solid path to financial health.


If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 
Spring Reset- Cutting Expenses And Paying Down Debt https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/spring-reset-cutting-expenses-and-paying-down-debt/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 15:00:16 +0000 https://www.consumercredit.com/?p=62051 Read More »]]>

Spring is a great time for fresh starts. Just as the nature blooms from hibernation, your finances can also have a fresh start with the season. We at  American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC), a leading authority in credit counseling and debt management programs, emphasizes the importance of proactive financial planning during this time of year. Focusing on cutting expenses and paying down debt, you can work towards a secure financial future. You should upkeep the health  and do a spring reset of your finances by adhering to the basic principles such as budgeting, credit card repayment and ongoing financial education. Here are some strategies to help you achieve your financial goals this spring.

A financial spring rest can help you refresh your financial outlook! check out these strategies for effective money and debt management tips!

A financial spring rest can help you refresh your financial outlook! check out these tips!

Spring Reset – Cutting Expenses And Paying Down Debt  for Financial Success.

Some of the most fundamentals methods to sustain your financial health is by cutting expenses and paying down debt. if you have your expenses and debt under control a majority of your job is done. Evaluating your financial health begins here.

1. Evaluate Your Financial Health

Begin by taking a comprehensive look at your finances. An overall picture of your financial health can easily point out your areas of improvement. Assess your debts, monthly expenses, and income. Understanding where you stand financially is the first step toward making meaningful changes. American Consumer Credit Counseling offers tools and resources to help you evaluate your financial situation, setting the stage for effective debt management. The next big step when it comes to a spring rest is to set or reevaluate clear financial goals.

2. Set Clear Financial Goals

With a clear understanding of your financial situation, set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Whether you aim to pay off a credit card, save for an emergency fund, or reduce your overall debt, having clear objectives is crucial. If you are already working towards one of these goals now is the time you can see if you are headed in the right direction.  ACCC can guide you in setting realistic goals and developing a personalized debt management plan to achieve them. ACCC’s newest money management app, CreditU can help you organize and prioritize your goals. Next step would be to create or relook at your budget as part of spring reset.

3. Create a Budget

A budget is your financial roadmap. It allows you to plan how you’ll spend your money each month, ensuring you have enough to cover your essential expenses while working towards your debt reduction goals. Utilize budgeting tools and apps recommended by credit counseling experts to keep your spending in check. American Consumer Credit Counseling offers budgeting advice and resources to help you create a budget that works for you. Using a budget is the best way to keep tabs on your money. It can tell you where you are, where you have gaps and where you need cut backs. Having this plan with you always can ensure that you are not blindly spending. It also helps you reach your overall financial goals.. Once you have this in place it is easier for you to look at the overall picture and cut any unnecessary expenses.

4. Cut Unnecessary Expenses

Cutting out unnecessary expenses is a key component of your financial spring reset. Review your subscriptions, memberships, and daily spending habits. Small changes, like making coffee at home instead of buying it or canceling unused gym memberships, can add up to significant savings over time. All of the smaller savings can be guided towards your debt repayment efforts. When it comes to debt, which debt should you focus on first?

5. Focus on High-Interest Debt First

When paying down debt, consider the interest rates on your debts. Focus on paying off high-interest debts first, as they cost you the most money over time. This strategy, often referred to as the avalanche method, can save you money in interest payments and help you pay down your debt faster. If the debt repayment process is too much to handle what should your next step be? Where should you seek help from?

6. Explore Debt Management Programs

If you’re struggling to manage your debt, a debt management plan (DMP) might be a suitable option. A DMP, offered by credit counseling agencies like American Consumer Credit Counseling, can consolidate your debts into a single monthly payment with a reduced interest rate. This can simplify your payments and make your debt more manageable. ACCC debt management services are designed for you to navigate the process with ease and convenience. The certified counselors at ACCC can help you relook at your budget and work out the best plan as part of your spring reset strategy.

7. Increase Your Income

Consider ways to increase your income this spring. Whether it’s taking on a part-time job, freelancing, or selling items you no longer need, extra income can be directly applied to your debt, accelerating your progress towards financial freedom.

8. Celebrate Your Progress

As you implement these strategies and start to see progress, take time to celebrate your achievements. Recognizing your successes, no matter how small, can provide the motivation needed to continue on your path to financial wellness.

Bottom Line…

Spring represents a time of renewal and growth, making it the perfect opportunity to refresh your financial habits. By evaluating your financial health, setting clear goals, and implementing strategies to cut expenses and pay down debt, you can take control of your financial future. Remember, American Consumer Credit Counseling is here to support you every step of the way with resources, advice, and debt management programs designed to help you achieve financial stability and success.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

Credit Scores – Understanding & Improving Them https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/credit-scores-understanding-improving-them/ Mon, 18 Mar 2024 15:00:19 +0000 https://www.consumercredit.com/?p=62040 Read More »]]> Your credit score is a tool used by lenders to measure your credit worthiness. In simple terms a credit score indicates how likely you are to repay your debts. Therefore, having a good understanding about what your credit score means and what you can do to improve it can take the health of your personal finances a long way.  This is where concepts like consumer credit counseling and debt management plans (DMPs) come into play. These methods offer structured pathways to not just better credit scores but improved overall financial health.

Follow ACCC's tips to improve your credit scores.

Follow ACCC’s tips to improve your credit score.

Understanding Your Credit Score

Before diving into improvement strategies, it’s crucial to understand what a credit score is and what it reflects. Your score is influenced by several factors:

  • Payment History (35%): This indicates whether you’ve made your debt payments on time. Late payments can significantly hurt your score.
  • Credit Utilization (30%): This is the ratio of your current revolving credit debt (credit card balances, for example) to the total available credit. Lower ratios are better for your score.
  • Length of Credit History (15%): Longer credit histories tend to improve your score, as they provide more data on your repayment behavior.
  • New Credit (10%): Opening several new credit accounts in a short period can lower your score, as it might indicate financial distress.
  • Credit Mix (10%): A variety of credit types (mortgage, car loans, credit cards) can slightly improve your score, suggesting you can handle different types of credit responsibly.

Improving Your Credit Scores

Improving your score depends on how well you manage these factors. Here are actionable steps you can take:

1. Regularly Monitor Your Credit Report

Errors on your credit report can lower your score. By regularly reviewing your credit report, you can dispute inaccuracies. In the U.S., you’re entitled to a free report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) every year through AnnualCreditReport.com.

2. Pay Your Bills on Time

Since payment history is a significant component of your score, ensuring timely bill payments is crucial. Setting up automatic payments or reminders can help avoid late payments.

3. Reduce Your Credit Utilization Ratio

Paying down credit card balances and keeping them low relative to your credit limits will positively impact your credit score. Aim for a utilization ratio under 30%, but lower is always better.

4. Avoid Opening Multiple New Accounts Quickly

Each time you apply for credit, it can slightly lower your score. Opening several accounts in a short period can compound this effect. Apply for new credit accounts only as needed.

5. Consider a Debt Management Plan (DMP)

For those struggling with high levels of debt, a DMP offered through consumer credit counseling services can be a lifeline. Consumer credit counseling agencies such as ACCC provide personalized advice on managing your debt and can negotiate with creditors on your behalf to lower interest rates and create a consolidated payment plan. This not only helps manage your debt more effectively but can also assist in improving your credit score over time as you stick to the payment plan.

The Role of Consumer Credit Counseling in Improving Credit Scores

Consumer credit counseling services play a crucial role in helping individuals manage debt and improve their financial situations. Non-profit organizations such as American Consumer Credit Counseling offer low-cost services, including financial education, budgeting assistance, and DMPs. Engaging with ACCC credit counseling services can provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to take control of your debt, and in turn improve your credit score.

Bottom Line…

Improving your credit score is a journey that requires patience, discipline, and a proactive approach to managing your finances. By understanding the factors that affect your score and utilizing resources like consumer credit counseling and DMPs, you can make informed decisions that lead to better financial health. Remember, it’s not just about the numbers; it’s about empowering yourself to reach your financial goals.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

Three Benefits of Consumer Credit Counseling https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/benefits-of-credit-counseling/ https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/benefits-of-credit-counseling/#respond Thu, 14 Mar 2024 15:00:13 +0000 http://talkingcents.consumercredit.com/?p=19893 Read More »]]> If you are seeking help to eliminate debt and improve your financial situation, you may have considered credit counseling. Credit counseling is a great way to get out of debt and regain control of your finances. But, you may be unsure about whether credit counseling is the right option for you. Here are some benefits of credit counseling that should help you to make an informed decision about handling your debt.

The benefits of credit counseling can help you become debt-free.

The benefits of credit counseling can help you become debt-free.

Three Benefits of Consumer Credit Counseling

What is Credit Counseling?

Credit counseling is a financial service designed to educate consumers about how to pay off their debts and how to avoid debt in the future. A counseling session involves an analysis of a consumer’s financial situation, evaluation of debt reduction strategies for paying off or managing debt, and education about money management. Credit counseling is designed to help consumers who are struggling with debt to better control their financial lives.

Here are 3 benefits of credit counseling:

1. Working with Certified Credit Counselors

One benefit to credit counseling is that you will no longer be alone with your finances. When you seek credit counseling from a non-profit credit counseling agency, you will speak with a certified credit counselor for a full evaluation of your current financial situation. This analysis includes a detailed review of your assets, debts, and expenses. As everyone’s financial situation is unique, your counselor will help you come up with a personalized plan that works for you. Together, you’ll establish a reasonable budget while still being able to pay off your debts at the same time. In most cases, consumers are able to pay off their debts in 5 years or less.

2. You’ll Make A “Get Out of Debt” Plan

A major part of credit counseling is helping consumers come up with an actionable plan to get out of debt. Your counselor will help you look at the pros and cons of different debt relief strategies including credit card forgiveness, debt management, and more. Keep in mind that there is no “one size fits all” debt solution. These discussions will help your counselor to create a comprehensive picture of your situation, from which your counselor will make a recommendation.

For example, if you pursue credit counseling with an agency like American Consumer Credit Counseling, your counselor will evaluate whether you qualify for a debt management program, or DMP. A DMP is just one approach to debt relief that helps clients ultimately get out of debt faster. If you qualify for the program, advisors will work with creditors for possible reductions in finance charges, late or over-limit charges, monthly payments, and overall debt payoff time.

3. Gaining Financial Education

In addition to creating a plan, credit counseling sessions are also designed to educate consumers. Even if you decide not to pursue a course towards debt relief, one of the benefits of credit counseling is having access to a number of financial resources. Credit counseling sessions themselves are designed to help consumers see how they’re doing financially and how they can improve. For example, you and your counselor will discuss topics like budgeting, cash flow, income, and more. Plus, ACCC provides newsletters, articles, and a website full of tools as additional resources. If there’s ever a time to gain clarification on any questions you may have, take advantage during a session. In a larger sense, financial education can help you better manage money and stay out of debt in the future.

There are many benefits of credit counseling. Whether you’re seeking help to create a budget, or if you want to eliminate debt, credit counseling may be the best next step. By simply researching your options, it’s a good sign that you are already on the right path.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 


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Tips To Set Up Emergency Savings https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/tips-to-set-emergency-savings/ https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/tips-to-set-emergency-savings/#respond Tue, 12 Mar 2024 15:00:03 +0000 http://talkingcents.consumercredit.com/?p=18195 Read More »]]> One of the most common ways to fall behind when paying off credit cards is to be caught off guard by an unexpected medical expense or repair bill that wrecks your carefully planned budget. To protect yourself from this financial pitfall, our credit counseling advice is to have emergency savings in place. A cash reserve limits the consequences when unexpected expenses occur.

A 2015 Federal Reserve Board survey (“Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2015.”) found that 46% of American consumers would be unable to cover an emergency cost of $400 or more without using some form of credit. Using credit for emergencies is a dangerous practice that you should avoid if at all possible. Here are some saving tips and strategies that can help you build up emergency savings to avoid unnecessary consumer debt.

Emergency savings can help you in your overall debt pay off process.

Prevent debt with emergency savings.

Emergency Savings Starter Tips

  • Start Small – Know your budget and figure out a realistic amount to put aside. Whether you can put aside $10 a week or $10 a day, start with a number your budget can handle. Make sure you include this new “expense” in your budget.
  • Reduce Spending – Identify specific areas where you can cut back. Common ways include making all meals at home, turning off lights and AC whenever possible, and reducing or canceling your cable subscription. See ACCC’s Save by Cutting Back Guide for more tips.
  • Generate Cash – Identify household items or clothes that you no longer need or use. Sell them to quickly boost cash on hand. You can put that money directly toward your emergency savings.

Now that you’ve gotten a little cash together or generated momentum by starting to save more each month, implement some strategies to grow your emergency savings a little faster. This will limit the risk of credit problems due to emergency spending.

Emergency Savings Booster Strategies

  • Set Achievable Milestones – Setting SMART goals will help build momentum. Start with trying to get to $100 set aside. Then go for $500, and keep going with concrete target amounts until you’ve got enough to cover a few months worth of expenses.
  • Make The Money Work for You.Shop around at local banks, credit unions, or online-only banks for an interest-earning account to store your emergency cash. This allows your emergency fund to grow on its own.
  • Make it Automatic – Once your emergency fund is held in its own account, set up automatic transfers so you never forget to contribute. This will ensure steady growth of your fund. This will also help integrate this new saving task into your standard budgeting routine.

Getting out of debt is easier when you take steps to protect yourself from relying on credit in a pinch. Putting even a little money aside as emergency savings each month can better protect you from financial stress when disaster strikes.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

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Debt Consolidation – Is it Right For You? https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/debt-consolidation-is-it-right-for-you/ Fri, 08 Mar 2024 16:00:41 +0000 https://www.consumercredit.com/?p=62007 Read More »]]> Understanding and managing debt is a part of your financial journey. If you are struggling with multiple debts, debt consolidation is a good strategy to explore. This process helps you with manageable payments and potential savings on interest. However, is debt consolidation the right choice for you? American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC) can assist through consumer credit counseling and debt management services and your overall debt consolidation process.

Is debt consolidation right for you? How can a debt management program help?

Consolidate your debt with a debt management program to tackle your debt head on.

What is Debt Consolidation?

Debt consolidation involves combining multiple debts into a single payment plan. Essentially, debt consolidation  simplifies your debt repayment process. With debt consolidation you only have one payment to manage instead of several. With a debt management program, a certified counselor will work with you to adjust your budget to fit in your debt pay off strategy. Then they will work with you to lower your debt repayments as well as interest rates to get you out of debt faster.

How Does a Debt Consolidation Work?

You can  go in the direction of a consolidation loan or a debt management plan when it comes to debt repayment strategy. There are pros and cons of adapting to any one of these strategies. With a consolidation loan you take om a new loan to pay off multiple debts. Ideally, you will have lower interest rates with a new loan than your current debts. However, There are also significant problems and risks associated with loans for debt consolidation. For example, if you’re in a position where you’re seeking to consolidate multiple debts, you may have a sub-par credit rating. This means you’ll likely have to pay a higher interest rate for your consolidation loan.

Also, if you borrow money to pay off your existing credit cards, those accounts can remain open and you’ll have the very real temptation to start using those paid-off cards again.  Worse, if you use home equity to secure a consolidation loan, failure to keep up with the loan payments could eventually put your home in jeopardy.

The Alternative…

The alternative option to a consolidation loan is a det management plan (DMP). Non profit consumer credit counseling agencies such as ACCC creates these programs to consolidate your debt into a single payment. The agency may work with you to lower your interest rates, waive your fees to ensure you have a reduced monthly payment overall.

Is Debt Consolidation Right for You?

There are certain indicators in your finances that will direct you towards a debt consolidation options.

  • Multiple High-Interest Debts: If you’re juggling several high-interest debts (like credit card bills), consolidation might help reduce your overall interest rates and simplify payments.
  • Steady Income: Consolidation requires a consistent income to make the new, single monthly payment.
  • Looking for Simplification: If managing multiple payments is overwhelming, consolidation can streamline your bills, making them easier to handle.
  • Desire to Pay Off Debt Sooner: With potentially lower interest rates and fees, more of your payment can go toward the principal, helping you get out of debt faster.

How Can American Consumer Credit Counseling Help?

ACCC offers consumer credit counseling and debt management services designed to assist individuals in navigating their debt consolidation options. Here’s how ACCC can help:

  • Personalized Counseling: ACCC provides one-on-one counseling sessions to assess your financial situation and determine if debt consolidation is your best option.
  • Debt Management Plans: As part of its debt management services, ACCC can enroll you in a DMP that consolidates your monthly debt payments into one manageable amount.
  • Educational Resources: ACCC offers resources and tools to educate you on debt management and financial wellness, empowering you to make informed financial decisions.
  • Negotiations with Creditors: ACCC negotiate with your creditors to lower interest rates or waive fees as part of a DMP, further helping to reduce your debt burden.

Bottom Line..

Debt consolidation can be a powerful tool in your debt management efforts. However, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. By considering your unique financial situation and consulting with a reputable organization like American Consumer Credit Counseling, you can make an informed decision about whether debt consolidation is right for you. Through personalized counseling, ACCC can help you understand your options and guide you toward a path of financial stability and freedom.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

Budget Friendly Ways To Enjoy Spring Break https://www.consumercredit.com/blog/budget-friendly-ways-to-enjoy-spring-break/ Wed, 06 Mar 2024 16:00:45 +0000 https://www.consumercredit.com/?p=62004 Read More »]]> Spring break is a time for relaxation and adventure. However, with everything getting even more costly having a good time on a budget is getting even more difficult. However, if you plan ahead you still can have fun without breaking the bank or adding to your credit card debt. The trick is to carefully plan out your time and money to align with your financial goals and ensure that this will not hinder your overall debt management strategy. So let’s dig in deeper in to some budget-friendly ways to enjoy spring break while keeping your finances in check.

Find budget friendly ways to enjoy spring break with these tips from ACCC

Budget friendly ways to enjoy spring break will help you stay on top of your credit card debt.

Budget Friendly Ways to Enjoy Spring Break

1. Stick With the Budgeting Basics that Work for You!

Before you start planning your spring break, take a close look at your budget. Determine how much you can afford to spend without adding to your credit card debt. Do not forget that you still have to fulfill your obligations to debt management programs and other debt pay off efforts. If you are still in the process of organizing your money in the new year CreditU maybe a good place to start your budgeting process.  Utilizing CreditU as your budgeting app can help you visualize your expenses and savings goals more effectively.

About CreditU…


CreditU is an all-in-one personal finance app by American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC) that streamlines the management of your finances. With its comprehensive features, you can easily track your income and expenses, create budgets, and gain access to personalized financial education.

Whether you want to set financial goals or gain insights into your spending habits, CreditU has got you covered. By using this app, you can save time and effort in managing your finances, which can lead to greater financial stability and security.

One of the unique features of CreditU is its ability to help you monitor your credit score. With updates on your credit status, you can stay on top of your credit health and make informed decisions when it comes to borrowing or applying for loans.

Additionally, CreditU provides you with a secure platform to manage your debts. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive design, CreditU makes it easy for anyone to manage their finances effectively. So whether you’re a seasoned budgeting pro or just about to create your first one, CreditU is the perfect tool to help you budget effectively and achieve your financial goals. Click here for more information. Don’t forget to Download CreditU today!

2. Staycations can Help Save – Stay Local!

You don’t need to travel far to enjoy spring break. There are plenty of local attractions, parks, and museums that you probably haven’t visited before. A staycation can be just as refreshing as a trip. Planning a trip comes with costs associated to lodging, food as well as any costs to attractions. If you are already burdened with credit card debt a trip can add more pressure to your finances. So look for free or low-cost events happening in your community that can offer new experiences and entertainment.

3. Travel Smart

If you do decide to travel, plan ahead to secure the best deals. Usually vacation time slots tend to be more expensive to travel. However you can look at destinations that are off peak for less. Use travel comparison websites to find affordable accommodations and flights. Remember to use any rewards or points from credit cards wisely. The point s to utilize the benefits to your advantage and not in a way that adds to your debt.

4. DIY Entertainment

Spring break is a great time to engage in DIY projects or hobbies that you’ve been wanting to try. Whether it’s gardening, crafting, or cooking, these activities can provide fun without costing a lot of money. Invite friends or family to join in and make it a group activity for extra entertainment.

5. Utilize Debt Management Programs

If you’re currently enrolled in a debt management program, consult with your credit counselor about your spring break plans. They can offer personalized advice on how to enjoy your break without derailing your progress. Some programs may even have tips or resources for budget-friendly activities that align with your financial situation.

6. Focus on Experiences Over Things

Remember that spring break is more about the experiences and memories you create rather than how much money you spend. Add more family time and experiences. Expensive and trendy may not always go with budget friendly ways to enjoy spring break. A healthy experience led approach will help you manage credit card debts and your finances as a whole. Prioritize your finances as the reality of weeks, months and years following the spring break bubble still awaits you!

Budget Friendly Ways to Enjoys Spring Break – Bottom Line..

Enjoying spring break while managing credit card debt and sticking with a budget is entirely possible with some creativity and planning. By focusing on local adventures, smart travel, and meaningful experiences, you can create a spring break that is both enjoyable and financially responsible. Remember, the goal is to relax and recharge without adding financial stress. Also use this time as a time to reset and refresh your finances. With these tips, you can make the most of your spring break while keeping your financial health in check.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 
