holiday spending budget Archives - Consumer Credit Thu, 30 Nov 2023 15:46:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tips To Help Control Holiday Spending Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:00:06 +0000 Read More »]]>

The holiday season is a time for joy and celebration, but it can also be a time of financial stress. With so many gifts to buy and events to attend, it’s easy to overspend and go into debt. However, with some planning and budgeting, you can enjoy the season without breaking the bank. Here are some tips to help you control your holiday spending.

Control holiday spending

Enjoy your holidays freely with these tips on how to control holiday spending.

Tips to Help Control Holiday Spending

Set a budget:

Before you start shopping, decide how much you can afford to spend and stick to it. This will help you avoid overspending and going into debt. You can use budgeting apps like CreditU to help you track your expenses and stay on top of your finances. Knowing your limit before you begin spending is the most crucial tip to control holiday spending. With the holiday vibe displayed in full swing where ever you go it is not an easy task. However, setting a boundary with a budget helps you refrain from unnecessary spending.

Make a list:

You may have anyone from your family, extended families, friends and nephews and nieces who you really want to gift something during the holidays. Start by creating a list of the people you want to buy gifts for and what you want to buy them. It i ideal to include a budget for each person so that you are aware of your spending requirement and ability. This will help you stay organized and avoid impulse purchases. You can also use this list to compare prices and find the best deals. This is basically your gift bible for the season.

Shop early:

Start shopping early to avoid last-minute panic buying. This will give you time to compare prices and find the best deals. You can also take advantage of early bird sales and discounts. If you have the financial planning done prior to Thanksgiving weekend, you can take advantage of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals. The consumer landscapes have changed so rapidly that deals are now better even before the big holidays. Keep track of such deals and retailers and take advantage by shopping early.

Use cash:

Time and time again, the envelop method has proven to be a solid strategy to manage finances in tough times. If you are managing holidays ina high stress financial situation, consider using cash instead of credit cards. This will help you avoid overspending and keep you from going into debt. You can withdraw cash from your bank account and use it to pay for your holiday purchases.

Look for deals:

Look for deals and discounts on items you want to buy. Many retailers offer special promotions during the holiday season. You can also use price comparison websites to make sure you are up on the deal. Many retailers have price match programs and make sure you take full benefit of such programs. Keep a track of the deals to purchase your gift items at the right time.

Consider alternative gifts:

Consider giving alternative gifts such as homemade gifts or experiences instead of store-bought items. This can be a great way to save money and create lasting memories. You can also consider giving gifts that are eco-friendly or sustainable. As fun as it is to wrap a perfect gift from the store, it is also going to be costly. Instead, if you are a creative person look into more personalized DIY gifts. Some ideas may be creating your own jewellery, making candles or a hand made craft as a gift. Your family and friends will likely appreciate a personalized gift from you rather than something off the shelf.

Avoid impulse purchases:

Avoid making impulse purchases by sticking to your list and budget. You can also avoid shopping when you’re hungry or tired, as this can lead to impulse purchases. It is natural to get attracted to things that look good on a shelf even when you don’t really need them. Make a conscious call on whether or not you can do without it. Keep in mind all of this spending will snowball into the next month’s finances.

Remember the reason for the season:

Finally, remember that the holiday season is about spending time with loved ones and creating memories, not about buying expensive gifts. Make time to create memories with your family and friends without just limiting it to the material things. Make a meal together, bake some cookies with  your kids or decorate a gingerbread house.  The material things will decay. The memories you create will always bring a smile on your face when you look back.

Bottom line…

By following these tips, you can help control holiday spending and enjoy the season without breaking the bank. Remember to set a budget, make a list, shop early, use cash, look for deals, consider alternative gifts, avoid impulse purchases, and focus on the true meaning of the season. Remember, the holidays are more about the spirit of giving and spending time with loved ones than about extravagant gifts and expenses. Happy holidays!

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

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Holiday Budget – Tips to Build A Realistic Plan Mon, 04 Dec 2023 16:00:09 +0000 Read More »]]> Are you looking for ways to enjoy the holidays without breaking the bank? Do you want to learn how to plan a realistic and stress-free budget for your festive spending? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, we will share with you some tips and tricks on how to build a holiday budget that works for you. I’ll also answer some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) around holiday budgeting. Let’s get started!

Holiday budgeting is an essential part of your year end personal finances.

Why Do You Need a Holiday Budget?

First of all, why do you need a holiday budget? Well, a holiday budget can help you avoid overspending, debt, and financial regrets. It can also help you prioritize your needs and wants, and allocate your money wisely. A holiday budget can also give you peace of mind and confidence that you can afford the things that matter most to you during this special time of the year. Having a solid plan can help you get over potential financial frustrations post holidays.

How Can You Create a Holiday Budget?

The fundamentals to creating a holiday budget is the same as creating any other budget. Having a separate plan for the holidays can help you avoid any hidden expenses or you having to eat into your main household budget. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Set your overall spending limit.

This is the total amount of money that you can afford to spend on the holidays, without going into debt or dipping into your savings. You can base this on your income, expenses, and savings goals. Be realistic and honest with yourself about what you can comfortably spend.

2. Make a list of all your holiday expenses.

This includes gifts, travel, food, decorations, entertainment, donations, and anything else that you plan to spend money on during the holidays. Don’t forget to include taxes, shipping fees, tips, and other hidden costs. Be as through and realistic as you can to avoid any surprises along the way.

3. Assign a budget for each expense category.

Divide your overall spending limit by the number of categories that you have, and allocate a specific amount for each one. For example, if your spending limit is $1,000 and you have five categories, you can assign $200 for each category. You can also adjust the amounts based on your preferences and priorities. For example, if you value travel more than gifts, you can allocate more money for travel and less for gifts.

4. Track your spending and stick to your budget.

As you shop and spend money on the holidays, keep track of how much you spend and how much you have left in each category. You can use a spreadsheet, an app such as CreditU, or a simple notebook to record your transactions. Try to stay within your budget and avoid impulse purchases or unnecessary expenses. If you go over budget in one category, try to cut back in another category to balance it out.

5. Review your budget and make adjustments as needed.

At the end of the holidays, review your budget and see how well you did. Did you stay within your spending limit? Did you overspend or underspend in any category? How did you feel about your spending decisions? What worked well and what didn’t? Use this information to improve your budgeting skills and plan better for next year.

FAQ: Holiday Budgeting

1.How Early Should I Start Planning My Holiday Budget?

The earlier, the better! Starting a few months in advance allows you to spread out your expenses and avoid last-minute financial strain. It’s also a great opportunity to take advantage of sales and discounts throughout the year.

2. How Much Should I Budget for Gifts?

This depends on your overall financial situation. A good rule of thumb is to allocate a percentage of your monthly income towards gifts. Remember, it’s the thought that counts, not the price tag

3. How Can I Save Money on Holiday Meals and Decorations?

Get creative! Potluck-style meals can reduce the burden of hosting. For decorations, DIY options can be both fun and cost-effective. Also, consider reusing decorations from previous years.

4. What Are Some Ways to Earn Extra Cash for the Holidays?

Seasonal jobs, freelancing, or selling items you no longer need can provide additional income. Online surveys and cashback apps are also options, albeit generally with smaller earnings.

5. What Are Some Ways to Earn Extra Cash for the Holidays?

Seasonal jobs, freelancing, or selling items you no longer need can provide additional income. Online surveys and cashback apps are also options, albeit generally with smaller earnings.

6. How Do I Handle Social Pressures to Spend More?

Communication is key. Be honest with friends and family about your budget. Suggest alternative ways to celebrate, like handmade gifts or spending quality time together.

7. What Should I Do If I Go Over My Holiday Budget?

First, don’t panic. Review your finances and adjust your post-holiday spending to compensate. It’s also a good opportunity to reflect on what caused the overspend and plan better for next year.

Building a holiday budget doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By planning ahead, being mindful of your spending, and focusing on the true spirit of the season, you can enjoy the holidays without financial regrets. Remember, the best gifts come from the heart, not the wallet.

Share your own holiday budgeting tips in the comments below, or contact us for personalized financial advice. Happy holidays and happy budgeting!

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

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Financial Planning Worksheet for Money Management Tue, 24 Nov 2020 14:00:52 +0000 Read More »]]> When it comes to planning your future financially, it might be difficult to know where to begin. You don’t have to start completely from scratch! As a non profit credit counseling agency, ACCC has a plethora of financial education materials, including various financial planning worksheets. Here area few worksheets to help you start managing your money!

ACCC has the right financial planning worksheet for your needs!

ACCC has the right financial planning worksheet for your needs!

Household Budgeting Worksheet

A budget is the cornerstone of financial health. Budgets don’t have to be complicated or intimidating. The purpose of a budget is to ensure you are not spending more money than you make every month. It should include all sources of income and all your expenses every month. If you’re spending more money than you’re making, you have two options. You can either find ways to make more money, or you can find areas of your budget to cut spending. You could do a combination of the two as well.

To get started, check out our household budgeting worksheet. This is the financial planning worksheet you should start with if you are just starting out!

Daily Expense Tracker

This worksheet helps you track your daily spending. It’s easy to forget about the little purchases here and there – but very surprising to see the total accumulation at the end of the month. If you stay on track, great! But if you find yourself surprised by your credit card balance, you can use this tracker to see where you might want to cut back. 

Financial Community Guidelines

Housing, transportation, and insurance are substantial expenses to be accounted for. This budgeting worksheet lets you calculate and compare your spending to the financial community guidelines. 

Bill Paying Worksheet

Keeping track of your different bills and their due dates can be tricky, especially if you’re a beginner at managing your finances (i.e. being out on your own after graduating college). Sure, it’s a  learning curve at first, you’ll feel more organized with this bill paying worksheet!  You’ll remember when and what bills are due. 

Other Budgeting Worksheets

Another helpful financial planning worksheet that comes in handy at the start of the school year is our back to school budgeting worksheet. This worksheet can help you track how much you spend on clothes and school supplies for your children.

Our holiday budgeting worksheet can help you stick to your holiday spending budget. This worksheet takes into account all the factors that go into holiday spending, not just gifts. It includes travel expenses, gift wrap/cards, donations, party items, and more to give you a more complete budget.

We also have more worksheets here, including our debt-to-income ratio worksheet and net worth worksheet. You’re not alone if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by tracking finances, or even just bored. But you can take the mystery out of money management with our resources, and in the end, feel more empowered! 

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Sign up for a free credit counseling session with us today! 


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