From student loans to credit card bills, keeping your monthly payments straight takes a lot of work. It does take some planning to make your payments on time, but we can help you through the process. So take control of your financial life and debt management with the following options.
Easy Ways to Make Monthly Payments
- Organize your bills: Create a calendar for your bills, or make sure to note the due dates on your agenda. Arrange your bills based on due dates. Check your calendar each week so you know when payments are coming up. You might want to schedule specific days to make your payments, such as when you get your paycheck. Mail in payments ahead of time so they arrive promptly. Also, make note of when you pay each bill and cross it out.
- Pay online: Although this is based on preference, it might be easier for you to pay bills online. It’s convenient and you can even sign up for mobile apps and financial software that can streamline your process. Through this technology, you’re able to view all your bills and finances at once, get reminder notifications, submit payments, and access records of submitted payments.
- Change your due date: This is important because of your cash flow. You need to have available funds in order to cover the cost of paying your bills on time. If you have several payments due at once, you may want to change your due dates. Changing your due date may be up to your lender and the type of debt you have. Make sure your account is up to date and contact customer service if you do want to change your due date.
- Automate payments: Auto-pay is a great way to make your monthly payments on time. Lenders automatically deduct payments from your account. This way, you don’t spend money you need on discretionary expenses. Before you sign up, find out if the service will cost you any money or if you can choose a withdrawal date that fits in with your bill calendar. If you do sign up for auto-pay, make sure you have enough money in your account on your withdrawal date so that you don’t get an overdraft fee from your bank account.
By applying one or even two of these tips, you could start to notice a positive difference in how you manage your finances. Making your monthly payments on time means you’re able to boost your credit score, save money, and eliminate debt. All of this will reduce your stress and contribute to financial peace of mind. Being organized has never been this easy!
If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.