Steve Trumble, Author at Consumer Credit Wed, 28 Dec 2022 23:58:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Avoid Your Own Fiscal Cliff Mon, 28 Jan 2013 16:23:02 +0000 Read More »]]> Over the past few months, we have all learned that teetering on the edge of the fiscal cliff is not a pleasant place to be. Although the country’s national debt has dominated media attention, many Americans also face the threat of their very own fiscal cliff. The average household carries about $6,600 in credit card debt. However, if you count only the households that use credit cards, the number jumps to $15,799. There is a clear correlation between debt, credit cards, and a growing trend of spending too much and saving too little. So how do you avoid becoming a part of that trend and steer clear of your own fiscal cliff? Here are a few tips.

Take our credit counseling tips to avoid a fiscal cliff.

Take our credit counseling tips to avoid a fiscal cliff.

The best advice I can give you is to plan. Plan for the short term and long term. Retirement may seem eons away, but in reality not saving now can lead to severe challenges later on. According to a 2013 ACCC national poll, less than 5% of consumers plan to focus on saving money for retirement this year. This will be a serious problem for many Americans who are unable to support themselves once they reach retirement. Put money aside each year to avoid having to work well into your later years.

Another important action to plan for the future is to understand the consequences of your financial decisions. For many people, this means taking a good look at your spending habits and making adjustments. Are you on the brink of falling behind on bills? Why is that? You will probably find there is some aspect of your financial behavior you can change. Maybe you are using credit cards for ordinary purchases rather than using money that you have. Realize what it is you’re doing and challenge yourself to change.

Compromise. Recognize wants versus needs. It’s vital that we make decisions based on what we need and prioritize our wants as we can afford them, once our needs have been taken care of.

No matter how much we wish it was the other way around, it’s always easier to reduce spending than increase your income. Take a good look at where your money is going. Getting your finances in order can take a lot of work, but it is certainly worth it to avoid staring into the abyss of your own fiscal cliff.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 


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Reflecting on 2 Years of Talking Cents Wed, 16 May 2012 19:45:01 +0000 Read More »]]> Hello. My name is Steve Trumble and I am the co-founder and president/CEO of American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC). When I first started out in this industry over 20 years ago, I had big ambitions of helping people across the country overcome their debts and take control of their financial lives. One phone call at a time, our small organization grew and we were making a very important, albeit small, impact. Back then the Internet didn’t even exist, never mind social media.

Everyone at Talking Cents is passionate about sharing credit counseling advice to consumers.

Everyone at Talking Cents is passionate about sharing credit counseling advice with consumers.

Over the years ACCC grew from a local 2-person operation to a staff of 140. We are now one of the most reputable and upstanding organizations in the industry, servicing the entire country. We strive to do whatever we can to help our clients and consumers in general, and that’s why we offer free educational materials on and started our blog.

We started 2 years ago, and followed with Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. I continue to be amazed by what organizations, and even individuals, can accomplish using social media outlets. I’m also proud to see the staff at ACCC doing just that. We’re communicating and helping consumers like never before.

Our social media team has been doing a great job and, in the coming months, I too will be contributing blog posts that I believe will be beneficial to our clients and readers.

I want to thank the readers of TalkingCents, and those who follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and watch us on YouTube. I truly appreciate the support we’ve received, and hope that more and more people find what we are doing helpful. Because that’s what this is all about.


Steve Trumble
President/CEO of American Consumer Credit Counseling




If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

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