Client Stories Archive - Consumer Credit Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:43:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Grace’s Triumph Over Debt With the Help From ACCC Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:25:20 +0000 Read More »]]>
American Consumer Credit Counseling's debt management plan helped Grace get out of debt.

Here’s how Grace got out of her debt with ACCC’s debt management Plan

Grace Thompson, a 28-year-old middle school teacher in a bustling city, dedicated her life to educating the next generation. Despite her passion for teaching, Grace’s financial situation painted a starkly different picture. On a modest teacher’s salary, she found herself grappling with a growing pile of unsecured debt, a direct result of educational loans, relying on credit cards more often for daily living expenses, and an unforeseen family medical emergency that drained her savings. American Consumer Credit Counseling with its services such as debt management plan and expert credit counseling helped Grace in her journey toward financial freedom.

The Financial Hurdle: Grace’s Debt Dilemma

Educational Loans: Grace pursued a Master’s degree to further her career, accumulating $40,000 in debt with an interest rate of 6.8%.

Credit Card Debt: To make ends meet and cover unexpected expenses, Grace relied on her credit cards, .accruing $15,000 in debt across three cards with average interest rates soaring to 22%

Medical Emergency: An unexpected health issue resulted in $5,000 of medical debt on top of her existing obligations.

Faced with monthly debt payments of approximately $1,200, which consumed nearly half of her take-home pay, Grace felt the weight of her financial burdens growing heavier each day. The realization that she was on a treadmill, making minimum payments without making a dent in the principal amount, was disheartening.

ACCC Steps in With a Tailored Approach With Their Debt Management Plan

Determined to find a way out, Grace discovered American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC) through an online search for debt relief options and debt management plans.  Hopeful, she made the call that would set her on a path to financial freedom. The structured approach of ACCC helped Grace to face her debt with a more positive outlook.  Working with ACCC, soon she realized her achieving financial freedom was not just an illusion. Here’s what Grace along with the the expert credit counselor at ACCC did to get out of debt.

Personalized Financial Review: ACCC’s certified credit counselor conducted a thorough review of Grace’s finances, including her income, expenses, and total debt. This holistic view allowed them to understand the extent of her financial strain. This first step was crucial for Grace as it gave her a clear picture of her current financial situation and what exactly she needed to do to get out of debt. The credit counselor also introduced Grace to CreditU, ACCC’s money management app to help her keep track of her budget more conveniently.

Debt Management Plan (DMP): Grace was enrolled in a DMP, which consolidated her credit card debts and medical bills into one manageable monthly payment. ACCC negotiated with her creditors to lower the interest rates on her credit card debt from an average of 22% to 8%.

Budgeting Assistance: Together with her counselor, Grace developed a realistic budget that accounted for her essential expenses and debt payments, enabling her to live within her means and avoid accruing additional debt.

Grace’s Journey to Debt Freedom with Debt Management Plans

With ACCC’s guidance, Grace embarked on her debt repayment journey with newfound determination. The DMP allowed her to reduce her monthly debt payments to $850, a significant decrease that freed up funds for her living expenses and even modest savings.

Impactful Results:

Total Unsecured Debt Paid Off: In less than three years, Grace paid off the $20,000 in credit card and medical debt. The lower interest rates negotiated by ACCC saved her over $10,000 in potential interest charges.

Educational Loans: With the breathing room provided by the DMP, Grace was able to focus on her educational loans, applying extra payments to the principal and reducing the repayment term significantly.

Grace Reflects on Her Financial Transformation

“As a teacher, I’ve always believed in the power of knowledge and support to change lives. ACCC embodied that belief for me financially,” Grace shared. “Not only am I debt-free, but I’ve also gained invaluable financial literacy skills that have transformed my approach to money management. ACCC gave me the tools and support I needed to take control of my finances and, ultimately, my life. And my credit counselors were so empathetic and helpful throughout the process. They were very patient and understanding and guided me carefully through the budgeting process as well as the debt management [program. The fact that I could track my progress helped me stay motivated to reach my goal of getting out of debt”

A Story of Empowerment and Financial Literacy

Grace’s story is a testament to the transformative impact of comprehensive debt management and financial education, especially for individuals in noble but modestly compensated professions like teaching. ACCC’s role in Grace’s journey highlights the organization’s commitment to empowering individuals through personalized debt solutions and the promotion of financial literacy.

By sharing her story, Grace hopes to inspire others who find themselves in similar situations, emphasizing that with the right support and actionable information, achieving financial stability is within reach, regardless of one’s profession or income level.

See if Credit Counseling is Right For You!


When You are Ready to Regain Control of Your Finances:

  1. Contact ACCC and connect with a professionally trained, independently certified counselor who will:

  • Evaluate your financial situation to determine a feasible payment plan – This is where you obtain a comprehensive picture of your financial situation, including your debts, expenses, and income.
  • Assist in creating a budget that meets your needs – Create a suitable budget while paying off your debt. Coming up with a plan together with your counselor to exclude unwanted expenses and work towards debt relief.
  • Help develop a debt management plan, consolidating your debts into a single monthly payment – Consolidate the money you owe so you can make a single payment each month to ACCC. The company makes payments to all your creditors on your behalf. This enables you to stay current with your payments. Also, it reduces the stress of having to make separate payments to your creditors.
  1. The counselor will collaborate with your creditors to:

  • Seek potential reductions in finance charges, late fees, and over-limit charges – Working with your creditors for a possible reduction in your interest rates, late fees, over-limit charges and the time it will take to pay off your loan.
  • Negotiate extended deadlines for existing debt repayments – Working with your creditors to negotiate payment deadlines, so that you align your debt management program with your budget.
Disclaimer: This story unveils an authentic client experience. However, certain details have been modified to safeguard the client’s confidentiality. 
Conquering Credit Card Debt with ACCC: Liam’s Leap to Freedom Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:24:55 +0000 Read More »]]>
Managing credit card debt helped Liam reach financial freedom with the correct guidance of ACCC.

Liam’s journey to get out of credit card debt with ACCC’s debt management Plan is another testament to ACCC’s success.

Liam Carter, a 35-year-old marketer and aspiring entrepreneur, epitomized the millennial dream. With a bustling social media presence and a knack for tech, Liam seemed to have it all. Behind the Instagram filters, however, was a different story. One of financial anxiety and a growing burden of credit card debt.

The Credit Card Debt Dilemma: Navigating a Financial Maze

The Startup Dream: Eager to launch his own startup, Liam racked up nearly $25,000 in credit card debt, investing in cutting-edge tech and online courses.

Lifestyle and Social Media Influence: Motivated by social media trends, Liam’s lifestyle choices, from tech gadgets to travel, contributed an additional $6000+ to his debt, with interest rates averaging 24%.

Educational Expenses: With nearly $30,000 in student loans from his marketing degree, Liam felt the pressure of his financial commitments mounting.

Faced with total unsecured debt of nearly $35,000 and monthly payments close to $1,000, almost half of his income, Liam’s dreams of financial independence and entrepreneurial success seemed out of reach. The realization hit him one evening as he scrolled through his finances: he was living beyond his means, trapped in a cycle of high-interest debt.


A New Chapter: Discovering ACCC to Tackle his Credit Card Debt

Determined to regain control of his finances, Liam found hope in a friend’s success story with American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC).  He read a bunce of great reviews about ACCC and that convinced him even more that this would be his avenue to get out of debt.  He decided to reach out, marking the first step toward a life free of debt. Liam worked with the expert credit counselors at American Consumer Credit Counseling in a structured manner to work his way out of debt. Here’s a step by step breakdown of what they did!

Custom Financial Analysis: ACCC provided Liam with a comprehensive review of his finances, shedding light on his spending patterns and the true cost of high-interest debt. This gave Liam a chance to look at places to cut back and reorganize his budget. This first step with ACCC convinced Liam even more about his plan to work towards getting out of credit card debt.

Debt Management Plan (DMP): Once Liam understood his financial situation and set up his budget, he didn’t have second thoughts to enroll in ACCC’s DMP. Liam consolidated his credit card debt into a single monthly payment, reducing his average interest rate from 24% to 7%. Now Liam had hope again

Empowering Education: ACCC offered Liam resources on budgeting, saving, and the wise use of credit, equipping him with the knowledge to make informed financial decisions.

See if Credit Counseling is Right For You!

Liam’s Transformation Journey from Paying Off his Credit Card Debt

Embracing ACCC’s plan, Liam embarked on a transformative journey. Once Liam set up his debt management plan with ACCC it reduced his monthly debt payments to $700, freeing up to $300 each month. This newfound financial breathing room allowed Liam to reallocate funds toward savings and his startup, without the burden of exorbitant interest rates.

Credit Card Debt Eradicated: Liam is well on his way to get out of credit card debt in under 4 years. Liam is set to pay off  35,000 in credit card debt, saving over $14,000 in what would have been interest payments.

Financial Literacy: The continuous financial education ACCC offered to Liam helped him to become a savvy financial navigator, learning to budget effectively and avoid the pitfalls of impulsive spending. He also has access to a lot of educational resources so that he can stay up to date on financial trends and education. This ensures him that he can stay on track and work towards his overall financial goal..

Entrepreneurial Dream Realized: With his debt under control, Liam is finally in route to launch his startup, applying the financial principles learned from ACCC to his business. This journey with ACCC not only helped him get financial freedom but also let him realize his dreams in a more methodical manner.

Liam Reflects on His Financial Rebirth

“ACCC didn’t just help me escape credit card debt; they taught me how to live,” Liam shared, his optimism palpable. “I’ve learned the value of financial independence and the power of informed decision-making. My journey from debt to freedom is a testament to the impact of ACCC’s support and guidance. ACCC’s expert credit counselors continuous help keep me afloat and guide me in the right direction to get out of my credit card debt.

A Millennial’s Message: Hope and Action

Liam’s story resonates with many young adults and millennials caught in the web of credit card debt, offering both hope and a blueprint for financial independence. Through his partnership with ACCC, Liam demonstrates that with the right support, a clear plan, and a commitment to change, conquering debt and achieving one’s financial goals is not just a possibility but a reality.

By sharing his journey, Liam aims to inspire his peers to take the leap toward financial literacy and freedom, showcasing that the path to overcoming debt and realizing one’s dreams is within reach, one informed step at a time.

See if Credit Counseling is Right For You!


When You are Ready to Regain Control of Your Finances:

  1. Contact ACCC and connect with a professionally trained, independently certified counselor who will:

  • Evaluate your financial situation to determine a feasible payment plan – This is where you obtain a comprehensive picture of your financial situation, including your debts, expenses, and income.
  • Assist in creating a budget that meets your needs – Create a suitable budget while paying off your debt. Coming up with a plan together with your counselor to exclude unwanted expenses and work towards debt relief.
  • Help develop a debt management plan, consolidating your debts into a single monthly payment – Consolidate the money you owe so you can make a single payment each month to ACCC. The company makes payments to all your creditors on your behalf. This enables you to stay current with your payments. Also, it reduces the stress of having to make separate payments to your creditors.
  1. The counselor will collaborate with your creditors to:

  • Seek potential reductions in finance charges, late fees, and over-limit charges – Working with your creditors for a possible reduction in your interest rates, late fees, over-limit charges and the time it will take to pay off your loan.
  • Negotiate extended deadlines for existing debt repayments – Working with your creditors to negotiate payment deadlines, so that you align your debt management program with your budget.
Disclaimer: This story unveils an authentic client experience. However, certain details have been modified to safeguard the client’s confidentiality. 
ACCC’s Debt Management Program Leads To Financial Freedom Tue, 09 Apr 2024 13:12:50 +0000 Read More »]]>
American Consumer Credit Counseling's debt management program helped Ana get out of debt.

Here’s how Ana got out of her debt with ACCC’s debt management program

Ana, a 32-year-old graphic designer, had always prided herself on her independence and ability to manage her finances. However, a series of unexpected events and decisions gradually led her into a deep financial quagmire:

Medical Emergency: Two years ago, Ana faced a significant health scare that required emergency surgery and a prolonged hospital stay. While she had health insurance, the coverage was not comprehensive, leaving her with substantial out-of-pocket medical bills.

Credit Reliance During Recovery: During her recovery, Ana was unable to work for several months. To cope with the loss of income and keep up with her living expenses, she relied heavily on her credit cards, accruing high-interest debt.

Lifestyle and Social Pressures: Living in a metropolitan area with a high cost of living, Ana often felt pressure to keep up with her peers in terms of lifestyle and social activities. This led to occasional overspending on dining out, entertainment, and travel, further exacerbating her debt situation.

Lack of Emergency Savings: Prior to her medical emergency and the subsequent financial challenges, Ana had not prioritized building an emergency savings fund. This lack of a financial safety net left her unprepared to deal with unexpected expenses.

The turning point for Ana came when she realized that despite her best efforts, the minimum payments on her credit cards were barely covering the interest, and her debt was spiraling out of control. Conversations with her coworker Sarah, who had successfully navigated out of debt with the help of ACCC’s debt management program, encouraged her to seek professional advice.

How Did Ana’s Debt Story Change?

Once she reached out to the Credit counselors at American Consumer Credit Counseling, they worked with Ana collaboratively to understand her current financial situation.

When Ana first joined ACCC’s debt management program, she was paying almost $3600 a month with an average interest rate of 29% across seven creditors. Over $1600 of that was just going towards paying the interest alone, making it impossible to make any headway to paying her debts down and looking at over thirty-four years to pay it off. This was not the situation Ana wished she were in! And she was desperately looking to pay off her debt much sooner than the rest of her life!

The certified credit counselor at ACCC, Ms. Davis, together with Ana, meticulously reviewed Ana’s financial statements. She pointed out areas where spending could be drastically reduced. Here some key steps Ana took with the help of the experts at ACCC.

  1. Create a customized budget– This helped Ana have a better perspective of her expenses to understand her needs and wants. And thereby adjust her budget to cut down on unnecessary expenses.
  2. Financial Education – ACCC also offered Ana a helping hand, providing educational resources on responsible credit card use and effective budgeting strategies. For the first time, Ana felt empowered to take control of her finances.
  3. Create a Structured Debt Management Program– Ms. Davis, ACCC’s expert credit counselor, successfully negotiated with her creditors and brought her interest rate average down to 8.5% on the debt she owed. Through this adjustment, ACCC succeeded in reducing Ana’s monthly payments to below $1500 dollars and now, she was only allocating less than $160 towards interest payments each month.

This notable change meant she was saving just over $2000 monthly and saving almost $150000 over the lifetime of the debt management program. The best part? She found her way to financial freedom in less than 5 and a half years instead of thirty-four years.

What Benefits Did Ana Get with ACCC’s Debt Management Program?

The debt management program consolidated all ana’s unsecured debts into a single, lower-interest monthly payment managed by ACCC. Negotiating with creditors on her behalf, the ACCC secured a significantly reduced interest rate, a significant win in Ana’s fight with getting out of debt. This meant more money going towards actual debt repayment.

Instilled financial discipline – For Ana, the initial months were the hardest to adjust. However, with the ability to track her progress with her debt repayment plan at ACCC she was motivated to keep going and stick with her budget.

Here is what Ana had to say:

“As months turned into years, the relentless commitment started to pay off. The debt balance, once a monstrous figure, has begun to shrink steadily. The initial anxiety surrounding my credit score transformed into a quiet determination to see it rise. With each responsible payment reported to the credit bureaus, my score started to climb. Two years into the program I am confident that I am well on my way to getting out of debt in the next two years. The feeling of freedom is exhilarating, the burden of debt is slowly but surely lifted from my shoulders. I am ever so grateful to ACCC’s credit counselors for taking me through this journey to debt relief. “

Ana’s story is yet another testament to the success of ACCC’s debt management programs!

Working with ACCC, Ana embarked on a journey of financial education and discipline. She learned to differentiate between her needs and wants, drastically cutting down on unnecessary expenses. The debt management plan crafted by ACCC’s credit counselors not only consolidated her debts into a single, more manageable payment but also significantly reduced her interest rates.

This structured approach, coupled with Ana’s unwavering commitment, gradually restored her financial health. The ability to track her progress and see the tangible results of her efforts kept Ana motivated. Her experience with ACCC not only led her towards financial freedom but also instilled in her the principles of responsible financial management, ensuring a more secure financial future.

Ana’s story is a testament to the fact that with the right support and a commitment to change, it is possible to overcome even the most daunting financial challenges. Her journey with ACCC illustrates the power of professional guidance and personalized debt management in achieving financial stability and peace of mind.

See if Credit Counseling is Right For You!


When You are Ready to Regain Control of Your Finances:

  1. Contact ACCC and connect with a professionally trained, independently certified counselor who will:

  • Evaluate your financial situation to determine a feasible payment plan – This is where you obtain a comprehensive picture of your financial situation, including your debts, expenses, and income.
  • Assist in creating a budget that meets your needs – Create a suitable budget while paying off your debt. Coming up with a plan together with your counselor to exclude unwanted expenses and work towards debt relief.
  • Help develop a debt management plan, consolidating your debts into a single monthly payment – Consolidate the money you owe so you can make a single payment each month to ACCC. The company makes payments to all your creditors on your behalf. This enables you to stay current with your payments. Also, it reduces the stress of having to make separate payments to your creditors.
  1. The counselor will collaborate with your creditors to:

  • Seek potential reductions in finance charges, late fees, and over-limit charges – Working with your creditors for a possible reduction in your interest rates, late fees, over-limit charges and the time it will take to pay off your loan.
  • Negotiate extended deadlines for existing debt repayments – Working with your creditors to negotiate payment deadlines, so that you align your debt management program with your budget.
Disclaimer: This story unveils an authentic client experience. However, certain details have been modified to safeguard the client’s confidentiality. 