How long credit counseling advice takes depends on the nature of your financial situation. Make sure that you choose a non-profit credit counseling agency that has no up-front fees with low enrollment and monthly maintenance fees. Also, make sure that the non-profit credit counseling agency has a good rating with the Better Business Bureau.
How Long Does Credit Counseling Take?
When seeking credit counseling advice, a counseling session can take at least an hour or more. It all depends on your financial needs. A credit counselor will analyze your current financial situation, and supply the best debt solutions for managing your credit card debt. One option is a Debt Management Program. A credit counseling agency typically deals with unsecured debt. They do not handle any secured debt such as mortgages, car payments or utilities.
How Long Does a Debt Management Program Take?
During the intake process, the credit counselor will gather all of your unsecured credit card information. These include creditor names, account numbers, current balances, and whether your accounts are current. The credit counselor will prepare a budget for you and will analyze all of your current household expenses. This portion of the process will include an assessment of your ability to pay back your debt.
A Debt Management Program is designed to make workable payment options to assist with credit card debt. Debt Management Programs, in most cases, can reduce interest rates and monthly payments. These are determined by creditor guidelines that credit counseling agencies must follow when enrolling consumers into a DMP.
The length of a Debt Management Program depends on how much debt you have, but most are completed in five years or less. This can be a great option for relieving financial stress and becoming debt free. A DMP is not something that happens overnight, but it will give you peace of mind, and financial success.
Preparing for a Credit Counseling Session
The best way to prepare for your session to receive credit counseling advice is to gather all of your financial information ahead of time. By preparing for your call, this will better assist your counselor during the intake process. At the end of the session, you will have a better handle on your personal financial situation and can then make an informed educated decision on the debt solutions that will work for you.
If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.
Author Bio:
Donna Conley is the Vice President and has been with ACCC since 1993. As Vice President, Ms. Conley assists the Chief Executive Officer with the day to day operations and assists with the strategic planning and growth of the organization.