Do you know your money personality? Knowing your own spending and saving habits is a great way to understand how you approach debt management and your personal finances- the good and the bad. Take the money personality quiz to determine if you are a saver or a spender.
Take the Money Personality Quiz
There are several questions that can help show how you handle money and consumer debt. Read through the following questions to begin identifying your own habits. Remember, your money personality is probably a combination of both a saver and a spender.
- Do you have money available in your account after your bills are paid?
- Do you have a larger, long-term plan for your finances?
- Are you afraid to spend money?
- Do you create and stick to a budget?
- Are your bills paid on time each month?
- Is most of your money spent on necessities?
- Do you have savings and/or a retirement account?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, that means you are a saver.
Pros & Cons of a Saver
Typically, a saver is a planner. They will have money saved, a budget, pay their bills early or on time, and spend sparingly.
While this sounds like the person you want to be, there can be drawbacks to being a saver. There can be anxiety around finances, fewer risks taken when investing and thus potentially less reward. By not investing money or using it to gain other things, such as more education or other appropriate life upgrades, opportunities can be lost.
Pros & Cons of a Spender
The spender is less detailed. They will see their money come and go more quickly than a saver. They might also have less or no long-term financial goals and credit card debt.
This riskier profile is not all bad news, however. Spenders see value in the moment and take risks when investing.
Whether you identify with one profile or the other, there are strengths and weaknesses to both savers and spenders. Therefore, either money personality may fall into debt. The more you know about yourself, the better you will know how to manage and eliminate debt.
If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.