If you are considering credit counseling services, be sure to spend some time researching your options before signing up with an agency that you do not know much about. Having financial difficulties can be a very stressful situation for you and your family, but choosing the right credit counseling agency to help you with your problems can turn your financial life around. Nonprofit credit counseling can be helpful to those struggling to pay off debt.
Why Choose ACCC’s Credit Counseling Services?
First of all, let’s look at some things to look for in a credit counseling agency.
- The agency should charge reasonable fees (not more than $70/month for a debt management plan), but this can vary by state. ACCC firmly believes in keeping its set up fees as well as monthly maintenance fees as low as possible.
- Reputable credit counseling agencies are non-profit organizations.
- The agency should have been in business for at least seven years.
- The counselors at the credit counseling agency should be certified by an independent organization.
- The agency should be accredited by the International Standards Organization (ISO) or by the Council on Accreditation (COA).
- The agency should be a member of one of either Financial Counseling Association of America (FCAA) or the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC).
- Consumers should consider checking with the Better Business Bureau for any consumer complaints made against the agency.
- The agency’s willingness to waive the fees if you simply can’t afford them.
- It should spend a reasonable amount of time for your consultation/budgeting session. You will need at least one hour.
- The agency should provide you with a written budget based on your personal financial situation.
Does ACCC Meet The Criteria?
Yes!!! ACCC meets all of the criteria of a reputable credit counseling agency.
Here is why you should pick ACCC’s credit counseling services:
- 26 years of experience in the credit counseling industry
- Free counseling session including budget preparation and analysis of key financial indicators
- Face to face and telephone counseling
- Free financial education and materials
- Affordable debt management program fees.
- Help regardless of your ability to pay
- Confidentiality. We recognize the importance of protecting personal identifying information submitted to us and it is our policy to ensure that all client information is held in the strictest of confidence
- Superior customer service
- Support and commitment that is second to none
- Trained and trusted counselors
- Accessibility. We make ourselves available to assist you 6 days a week
- Convenience. We handle everything for you, from the counseling process to payment of your funds
- Dependability. Count on us to get things done
- Ongoing support and counseling as long as needed
- Bilingual services available to the Spanish speaking community
- Certificate of Authority in all 50 states and licensed in 32 states that require licensing
- Accredited through the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating
- Member of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC)
Final Tips
It is important that you make sure any credit counseling agency you decide to speak to is reputable and meets these requirements. Nonprofit credit counseling services are there to help you, but there are many companies that claim to offer similar debt management services that are actually debt settlement companies, not credit counseling agencies. Debt settlement can hurt your credit score in the long run, and you could have a hard time applying for credit after being enrolled in a debt settlement program. Always do your research before enrolling in any company’s debt relief program!
If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.