Have you found yourself in a situation where credit card debt has become too much to handle yourself? Or maybe you’re having trouble saving for retirement or writing up a budget. If you’re struggling with debt or financial difficulties, ACCC’s credit counseling is here to help you! Here are some of the benefits of choosing ACCC:
Benefits of ACCC’s Credit Counseling
Help assessing your current financial situation
When you contact an ACCC credit counselor, they will start by helping you evaluate your personal financial situation. They will help you review your income, assets, and expenses. Besides the review, our credit counselors will help you put together a budget. Next, they will explain what steps you can take to deal with your unsecured debt. ACCC provides the counseling session including a budget and action plan at no charge.
Personalized options based on your goals
After the initial credit counseling session, you will be presented with personalized options based on your financial goals. These options may include a debt management program, social service referrals, bankruptcy counseling, or student loan counseling.
Development of financial literacy skills
ACCC has a myriad of free educational materials and resources to help you develop financial literacy skills. In fact, many educational materials are available to download for free!
At the end of the counseling session, you will feel good knowing that there are options available and that you are not alone. Additionally, you can rest assured that ACCC has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. We also have attained a Certificate of Authority in all 50 states.
If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.