Today is a special day for financial literacy- Teach Your Children to Save Day. This day is part of a free national program for grades k-8. As a nonprofit credit counseling agency, ACCC wants to help you to teach your kids financial literacy. Therefore, learn more about this day and how you can become involved.
Information on Teach Your Children to Save Day
Firstly, Teach Children to Save (TCTS) is a free national program sponsored by the ABA Foundation for banker volunteers. Volunteers use promotional materials, student activities, communication tools and presentation lessons to teach a variety of topics. Financial topics include: Banking Careers, Decision Making, Interest, Money Recognition and Savings. Plus, there are consumer resources for parents to use!
While this program is primarily geared towards banker volunteers, ACCC has resources for parents and students to develop their financial literacy. It is so important that they learn about finances at a young age. Kids are better prepared to make sound financial decisions early education. In conclusion, take time throughout the year to learn about managing money and achieving your goals.
How ACCC Can Help You Teach Your Children to Save
We are excited that there is a national focus on financial literacy for children through Teach Your Children to Save Day. Financial literacy should start early and often. Using the ACCC’s Youth & Money resources, you can educate your child about money and how it fits into our everyday lives. Additionally, you can use your own life experiences as examples and lessons. These lessons will help determine the kind of financial manager that your child will become as a teenager and adult.
As kids, we made up a game about money and called it “Store.” Each kid would develop a business, and the others would patronize it. We had play money and even some checks. In this game, we were able to be creative entrepreneurs, learning where money came from, where it goes and everything in between. “Store” provided a positive environment to experience financial choices.
So this summer, encourage or facilitate games around personal finance. Concepts that seem second nature to you will be fresh to your children. A positive and engaging experience will help them later in life when preparing real budgets, managing real debt and real money.
If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.