It’s tax season. You may have already got your return or waiting for that big fat check in the mail! This influx of cash can be a blessing or a curse depending on how you manage your consumer debt. It is always tempting to splurge when you have a cash influx. However, it is more important that you put the money to better use such as getting out of debt fast. So what is the best way to use your tax returns?
The Best Way To Use Your Tax Returns
Depending on your financial situation, you would be better of putting that money towards debt relief rather than a vacation. A tax refund is a good way to put yourself in a better position for the future. It is an opportunity to invest, save, or pay off debt.
Here are some tips on the best way to use your tax returns.
- Invest in retirement: The sooner you start investing in retirement, the more time the money has to add up. Your tax return can provide a healthy boost towards a successful retirement.
- Pay off debt: Use your tax refund to put towards any outstanding credit card payments or loans. Even if you’re making regular monthly payments on your debt or loans, interest adds up and can be costly. If you’re having trouble paying debt, you might also consider a debt management program.
- College savings plan: College tuition continues to increase each year. College debt adds up quickly and can take years to pay off, so it is important to invest early.
- Emergency fund: Consider using some, if not all, of your tax return to start or contribute to an emergency fund. An emergency fund should ideally cover up to six months worth of expenses in the event of a crisis. You never know when a financial crisis will occur, so it is best to plan and be prepared.
- Invest in your career: Spending your extra money on furthering your education can help advance your career and boost your earnings.
- Contribute to your mortgage: When you make an extra payment on your mortgage, it can lower the end cost by reducing some of the interest.
- Invest in the stock market: The return on investment for the stock market can be greater than your own savings account. Do some research and invest wisely in your tax refund.
If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.