Holiday shopping season is in full swing. Thanksgiving gave way to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and we’ll see several other sale events up until Christmas. Now, the budget-conscious person inside you is saying, “Hey, this would be a good time to get some stuff for myself too!” And that person would be right. However, our credit counseling advice is to not go overboard when it comes to self-gifting.
You’re shopping for your friends and loved ones, and you’ve got some presents coming your way too. So, you don’t really need to go out and buy much stuff for yourself anyway. Put it on your list and maybe Santa will stop by.
Maybe there are some things that you need but aren’t exactly holiday gift material. The kind of thing that you wouldn’t ordinarily receive from someone else… a power tool, prescription glasses, socks and underwear, I don’t know… whatever you’re into. Just things that you need but wouldn’t necessarily ask for.
It’s a good idea to take advantage of holiday sales for some of your needs. Done wisely, it can help you stay on budget. I just don’t recommend going out and getting yourself a new wardrobe because of holiday sales. Odds are you’ll find a lot of things that you like but don’t necessarily need. Try to stay focused on what you’re shopping for to avoid spending extra money on yourself.
Again, if it’s a good deal and it fulfills a need… go for it! But try not to spend too much of your holiday budget on self-gifting.
If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.