If you are working to eliminate credit card debt, every dollar counts. To help your debt reduction efforts, you may need to get a little more resourceful. Your local library could help you save $100 a month! Let’s find out how.
How to Save $100 at the Library to Help With Debt Reduction
Using credit cards isn’t a bad thing. But sometimes life throws you a few curveballs and leaves you unable to pay off the debt. Then your interest builds, making it harder and harder to eliminate credit card debt.
If you’ve tried using coupons, unplugging appliances not being used, and a million other little tricks to save money to no avail, consider pushing yourself a little further in your efforts. There are ways to save around $100 if you utilize many of the free services at the library and cut some luxuries in your life.
5 Ways Use Your Library Card for Debt Reduction
Debt reduction can be difficult but going to the library isn’t! Here are 5 ways that the library can help you eliminate credit card debt.
- Cut your cable and streaming subscriptions (Netflix and Hulu). This alone could possibly save you $100 a month. Let’s say you only have Netflix and Hulu to cut, so about $20. The library is full of DVD’s to rent of TV shows and movies that span all genres.
- Cancel music and other subscriptions. By cutting your Spotify account for a while, you can save $10 a month. Use the free version or head to the library and check out a few CD’s, books on tape, or learn a new language! Kapeesh?
- Cancel the Internet. Depending on your Internet provider and plan, you might save around $50 a month. Stopping the Internet even for 6 months gets you $300 towards debt reduction. Use your Smartphone if you need to access something but don’t feel like going out to the library for free Internet. Consider how much you use data on your phone, or if there are big fees for restarting your Internet before trying this one.
- Stop buying books and magazines. I love buying books. But when I need to save money or eliminate credit card debt (probably from buying too many books), I stop and go to the library for a while. Then I adjust my budget to make sure I am not overspending.
- Get free passes to museums and cultural attractions. Some libraries are really amazing and offer passes to museums, zoos, aquariums, etc. Scoring a few passes for free can save you bundles, especially if you are a family needing to get out of the house on a limited budget. Savings for one person to a museum is around $15. Choose a different attraction every month.
Since libraries offer so many ways to save money, you can pick and choose which ones fit your needs best to save that $100. Keep working on debt reduction until it’s paid in full. Then consider using that extra $100 for savings instead of spending the money on those old expenses.
Finding extra money to throw at your monthly credit card payments is crucial to getting out of debt. You might have to go beyond your comfort zone for a while, but it will surely pay off in the end.
If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.