A stress-free financial life is about managing your money properly. Having the right balance of bank accounts, investments, and credit is all apart of the mix. Let’s focus on bank accounts today. All of us probably have a checking account and most likely a savings account. But have you considered having two savings accounts? In your debt management efforts, it is important that you have proper financial tools. Now let’s find out all the benefits of having multiple savings accounts.
Why Say Yes to Two Savings Accounts
Saving money in a savings account can serve two purposes. One account can be an emergency fund. The second savings account will be for items that you spend money on less frequently. This could be your property tax bills, insurance premium or vacation fund. Whatever purpose you collect the money for, the idea is to put some extra cash away routinely.
Building your emergency fund is an exercise on its own! Your budget plays an important role in this. Knowing your expenses and income inside out helps you build a reasonable emergency fund. Our credit counseling advice is to have at least 6 months worth of living expenses in this account. Your budget will probably have an allocation each month that goes to this savings account. Out of the two savings accounts, you should not touch the one with the emergency fund money.
The money you send to the second savings account should also be considered as an expense in your monthly budget. You will have an idea on what your insurance premium or property tax will be. Divide that by 12 to make the monthly allocation.
Making a commitment to save is what it takes for your finances to succeed. If you are struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.