You receive a paycheck on a regular basis. Maybe it appears on your checking account or you get a physical check in your hands on payday. Either way, have you taken time to decode your paycheck? Evaluate what your deductions and contributions are. Today we will help you decode your paycheck. This basic learning is important in the overall debt management process as well.
Decode Your Paycheck
Learning to decode your paycheck is especially important as financial worries continue to create stress for employees of all ages. Our credit counseling advice is to make sure you understand everything. Here is some information on how to decode your paycheck.
Total Gross – The total gross shows the total amount of money you make per pay period. This can be based on either your annual salary or hours worked. Total gross income shows your overall pay before taxes and other deductions, like healthcare and retirement contributions.
Total Net – The total net income shows the amount of money you actually receive after deductions and taxes. This is otherwise known as “take home” pay.
Hours – If the consumer is an hourly worker, this number will represent the total number of hours worked during that pay period. If you are an hourly worker, the total amount in your paycheck will vary depending on hours worked. For salaried workers, this number should remain consistent on each pay check (with the exception of holidays and time off).
Deductions – Total deductions shows the amount that was taken out for tax withholdings. These include social security tax, state tax, and Medicare. These also include benefits, such as life insurance, 401K, medical and dental.
Other types of pay – Sometimes there are other types of pay listed near the regular pay box. This type of pay may include holiday, overtime, personal and sick pay. Be sure to review these to make sure the extras are calculated correctly.
If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.