Now that you know how much you can afford to spend on a car, it’s time to consider how exactly you will fund that purchase. The first option you might consider is whether or not you should buy or lease your car. For some advice on buying versus leasing, check out this Talking Cents blog post.
If you decide to take the route of leasing your next vehicle, but are not sure if you will qualify for a lease because you have had credit problems in the past, don’t panic. Leasing a vehicle with bad credit is difficult, but not completely impossible. For tips on how to lease with bad credit, check out this Talking Cents blog post. For more information on buying cars and safe driving, check out this roundup of posts across the web.
Once you’ve decided to buy or lease a car and are in the driver’s seat, there are many things you can do to save money on gas and other expenses. The first tip is to boost your car’s gas mileage by using hypermiling techniques such as not speeding, coasting, and less accelerating / braking. Another tip is to possibly consider investing in tow insurance.